Sure To Happen Crossword Clue

Sure to happen crossword clue – Embarking on a linguistic adventure, we delve into the intriguing realm of “sure to happen” crossword clue, a phrase that evokes a sense of certainty and inevitability. This exploration unravels the nuances, implications, and captivating history behind this enigmatic expression.

Throughout this discourse, we shall navigate the diverse contexts in which this phrase finds its place, from literary masterpieces to everyday conversations. We will uncover its synonyms, related terms, and cultural significance, delving into the implications and connotations it carries.

1. Synonyms and Related Terms

Sure to happen crossword clue

The phrase “sure to happen” suggests an event or outcome that is highly likely to occur. Here are some synonyms and related terms that convey a similar meaning:


  • Inevitable
  • Unquestionable
  • Undoubted
  • Certain
  • Definite
  • Assumed
  • Foregone conclusion
  • Bound to happen
  • Destined

Related Terms:

  • Highly likely
  • Very probable
  • Almost certain
  • Practically guaranteed
  • Expected
  • Predicted
  • Anticipated

These synonyms and related terms can be used interchangeably in different contexts, depending on the level of certainty or emphasis required.

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Examples of Usage

Sure to happen crossword clue

The phrase “sure to happen” is used to express certainty or inevitability. It implies that something is highly likely to occur or that it is inevitable. Here are some examples of sentences that use the phrase correctly:

  • The sun is sure to rise in the east tomorrow.
  • The rain is sure to come, so bring an umbrella.
  • The new movie is sure to be a hit.
  • The team is sure to win the championship.
  • The economy is sure to improve in the next few months.

In each of these sentences, the phrase “sure to happen” is used to express certainty about a future event. The speaker is confident that the event will occur, and they use the phrase to convey this certainty to the listener.The

phrase “sure to happen” can also be used to express inevitability. This means that something is bound to happen, regardless of what anyone does to prevent it. For example:

  • Death is sure to come to us all.
  • The sun is sure to set every day.
  • The tides are sure to rise and fall.

In these sentences, the phrase “sure to happen” is used to express the inevitability of certain events. The speaker is acknowledging that these events are beyond our control, and that they will happen regardless of what we do.

3. Connotations and Implications

Sure to happen crossword clue

The phrase “sure to happen” carries several distinct connotations that can shape its meaning and usage. One common connotation is a sense of inevitability, implying that an event is destined to occur regardless of any intervening factors.

This sense of inevitability can convey a range of emotions, from confidence to fatalism. When used in a confident context, the phrase suggests a strong belief in the likelihood of an event happening. For instance, someone might say, “The sun is sure to rise tomorrow,” expressing their certainty that this natural phenomenon will occur.

Fatalistic Implications, Sure to happen crossword clue

Conversely, the phrase can also carry fatalistic implications, implying that an event is unavoidable and beyond human control. This connotation is often used in situations where the outcome is perceived as negative or undesirable. For example, someone might say, “The economy is sure to collapse,” expressing their pessimism about the future.

4. Usage in Crosswords

Sure to happen crossword clue

The phrase “sure to happen” is a common crossword clue that indicates an event or outcome that is highly likely or inevitable. Answers to this clue typically consist of words or phrases that describe events or actions that are expected or certain to occur.

Tips for Solving Crosswords with the Clue “Sure to Happen”

* Consider synonyms for “sure” and “happen,” such as “certain,” “inevitable,” “bound to,” or “likely.”

  • Think about events or outcomes that are typically expected or predicted in the context of the puzzle.
  • Look for words or phrases that suggest a high probability of occurrence, such as “will,” “must,” or “is expected to.”
  • Be aware that the answer may be a specific event or a more general description of an expected outcome.

5. Cultural and Historical Context: Sure To Happen Crossword Clue

Sure to happen crossword clue

The phrase “sure to happen” carries a sense of inevitability, suggesting that an event is highly likely to occur. Its cultural and historical context reflects this notion of certainty and predictability.

Throughout history, the phrase has been used to express confidence in the occurrence of future events. In ancient times, it was often employed in religious and prophetic contexts, where it conveyed the belief that certain events were ordained by divine forces.

For example, in the Bible, the phrase “it shall surely come to pass” appears numerous times, signifying the certainty of God’s promises and prophecies.

Notable Uses in Literature, Art, and Popular Culture

The phrase “sure to happen” has also found its way into various works of literature, art, and popular culture. In literature, it has been used to create a sense of suspense and anticipation, hinting at the inevitability of upcoming events.

For instance, in Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth,” the witches’ prophecy that Macbeth will become king is described as “sure to happen.”

In art, the phrase has been used to convey a sense of destiny or fate. For example, in the famous painting “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dalí, the melting clocks symbolize the relentless passage of time and the inevitability of death.

In popular culture, the phrase “sure to happen” is often used in a more lighthearted manner, to express confidence in the outcome of a particular event. For instance, it may be used to describe a team that is heavily favored to win a game or a movie that is expected to be a box office success.

FAQ Explained

What is a “sure to happen” crossword clue?

A “sure to happen” crossword clue is a phrase that indicates an event or outcome that is highly likely to occur.

What are some synonyms for “sure to happen”?

Certain, inevitable, bound to happen, destined, unavoidable

How is the phrase “sure to happen” used in crosswords?

In crosswords, “sure to happen” is often used as a clue for words or phrases that describe events or outcomes that are highly likely to occur.

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